UPDATES: 16 Days of Activism kicks off United Against FGM United Against Gender-based Violence

Center for Enhancing Democracy & Good Governance (CEDGG)

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Get Inspired by today’s world many people die without eating and it’s a shame for us that we helping them. Money is not always the way to help the poor.

We poor standard chunk ofI nibh velitThe COVID-19 epidemic is a once-in-a-generation event that will take the best of humanity to conquer. Your contribution to this fund will help with both short- and long-term.

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In today’s world many people die without eating and it’s a shame for us that we are not helping them. Money is not always the way to help the poor. ou can get involved by giving them anything that you are capable of. Many a penny makes a pond; drops of water make the ocean. So if we work together we can change the world in a better way.

We world many people die without eating and it’s a shame for us that we are not helping them. Money is not always the way to help the poor. ou can get involved by giving them anything that you are capable of. Many a penny makes a pond; drops of water make the ocean. So if we work together we can change the world in a better way.

Centre for Enhancing Democracy and Good Governance (CEDGG) is a non-political advocacy civil society organisation that works to empower vulnerable and marginalized citizens to claim their rights in local development and governance processes.

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