Baringo County: A once-neglected health facility, Kipcherere Dispensary, has undergone a remarkable transformation, thanks to a community led social audit initiative and the support of development partners.
In 2020, this vital healthcare facility located in Saimo- Soi ward of Baringo North Subcounty was in a state of neglect. “It was a sorry sight,” recalls the area chief, “a building infested by bats, offering little to no medical services.” Recognizing the urgent need for change, a group of concerned citizens, with the support of the Center for Enhancing Democracy and Good Governance (CEDGG) and the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ), conducted a social audit with a view to spur community conversation and engage the duty bearers to change the state of affairs at the facility..

This project was of particular interest to the CEDGG because it fell under one of its pillars of governance and devolution which sought to promote participatory issue-based decision-making processes in the devolved system of government.
Armed with the social audit findings, the community and its partners engaged with the Baringo County government to address the pressing issues. “When we raised this issue with the county government, they responded positively,” says the chairman of the social audit team. “They allocated more funds towards the stalled project.”
Today, Kipcherere Dispensary is a beacon of hope. It boasts a functional laboratory providing basic services, a maternity wing, and a well-equipped MCH unit. Staffing has also increased from one service provider to five health workers including a clinical officer, a nurse, lab technician, a nutritionist and a community health assistant. This is has made it the main referral facility in the ward.
“We’re glad that this development has also created employment opportunities,” says a newly hired lab technician.
The area chief also acknowledges that the skills they learnt in this project have been replicated elsewhere in other community projects where they monitor and supervise the ongoing activities by themselves. “The success of the social audit process at Kipcherere Dispensary taught us the importance of active participation in setting development priorities and monitoring implementation of those priorities.”
On 08/11/2024 the GIZ Kenya team, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation (BMZ) and German Development Cooperation (GDC) visited the facility and engaged stakeholders to learn from the good practice. The local community expressed gratitude to the County Government of Baringo, CEDGG, and the German Delegation for their collective efforts in transforming the dispensary.
This success story is a testament to the power of community engagement and strategic partnerships. By working together, we can overcome challenges and build a brighter future for all.