UPDATES: 16 Days of Activism kicks off United Against FGM United Against Gender-based Violence

Center for Enhancing Democracy & Good Governance (CEDGG)

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A Call for Genuine Public Participation in Governance

 / February 06,2024
By Brenda Holo Public participation is one of the foundational principles of democracy. Democracy is grounded on the idea that all citizens are equally entitled to have a say in decisions affecting their lives. Citizens’ participation in government decision-making is fundamental to the functioning of a democratic system of governance…


 / October 28,2022
As the increased political participation of women benefits the society, the presence of young people in decision making positions benefits all citizens and not just the youth. While the youth and women often play central and catalysing roles in the realization for democracy, they are less engaged than men and…


 / October 17,2022
On 10th May, 2015, The Centre for Enhancing Democracy and Good Governance (hereinafter referred to as CEDGG) filed a constitutional Petition No. 16 of 2013 in the High Court at Nakuru, alleging that the CDF was unconstitutional and sought reliefs, inter alia, for striking down of the Act for being…

Centre for Enhancing Democracy and Good Governance (CEDGG) is a non-political advocacy civil society organisation that works to empower vulnerable and marginalized citizens to claim their rights in local development and governance processes.

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