NAKURU Legal Aid Center
The Nakuru Legal Aid Centre provides assistance on legal matters and access to justice to vulnerable and marginalized residents of Nakuru County.

Overall Objective of NLAC
To promote access to justice for the poor and vulnerable groups through awareness creation, coaching on self-representation and provision of legal aid support.
Specific Objectives of NLAC
1. To increase awareness on the legal aid schemes and existing opportunities for the poor and the vulnerable people to access justice.
2. To provide and promote quality, effective and timely legal assistance and advice for the poor, marginalized and vulnerable groups in Nakuru County.
The Nakuru Legal Aid Centre (NLAC) was established in the year 2019 to address gaps in the provision of legal aid to vulnerable and marginalized residents of Nakuru County. It is a model center that seeks to provide or facilitate the provision of legal aid to people who, because of poverty and marginalization, are unable to engage meaningfully with legal processes such as commencing and prosecuting claims in court, presenting criminal complaints, pursuing administrative processes, participating in governance and legislative affairs, among others.
NLAC was set up by the Center for Enhancing Democracy and Good Governance (CEDGG) as the focal point for meeting these needs with Support from the European Union through the UNDP –Amkeni Wakenya Project under the PLEAD Program. Through the Centre, CEDGG hopes to contribute to realization of the Right to Access to Justice as guaranteed by Article 48 of the Constitution of Kenya 201o, Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Development Goal 16 by enabling Communities to understand and use laws, policies, programs and institutions to reduce vulnerabilities, pursue justice and promote rule of law.
Coalition building
Promoting collaboration between state and non-state actors in the provision of legal aid through and to create a conducive environment for the provision of legal representation, education, and awareness services. Working with the Court Users Committees and Nakuru Legal Aid Providers Working Group for referrals, capacity building and policy advocacy.
Capacity Building
Capacity building for vulnerable and marginalized groups to seek justice through formal and informal mechanisms.
Partnership with the bar to create a pool of volunteer advocates for the provision of pro bono legal services.
Capacity Strengthening
Capacity strengthening of paralegal staff to provide basic legal education and awareness to vulnerable and marginalized persons.
The center offers the following assistance:
Free legal advice to the indigent.
Assistance in drafting of legal documents for the indigent
Coaching on self-representation.
Legal representation.
Accompanying survivors of human rights violations to file reports with institutions of justice.
Assistance in resolving disputes through alternative dispute resolution.
Facilitating virtual interface with courts, e.g during the COVID 19 pandemic.

✓Criminal matters
✓Children matters
✓Constitutional matters
✓Matters of public interest
✘ Bankruptcy and insolvency cases
✘ Defamation matters
✘ Matters relating to recovery of debts
✘ Tax related matters