UPDATES: 16 Days of Activism kicks off United Against FGM United Against Gender-based Violence

Center for Enhancing Democracy & Good Governance (CEDGG)

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Our Programs

Governance & Devolution
Promoting participatory issue-based decision-making processes in...Read more
Human Rights and Access to Justice
Ensuring that the rights of the vulnerable and marginalized...Read more
Organizational Development
Ensuring that CEDGG becomes a centre of excellence in program...Read more
About Us

The Centre for Enhancing Democracy and Good Governance (CEDGG) was founded in 1995 by human rights defenders from the Endorois community in then Baringo District. It was first formed as a Community Based Organization to advocate for socio-economic rights of the marginalised groups and ethnic minorities in Baringo and Koibatek districts.

We have a strong programme presence in seven counties in the former Rift Valley region namely: Nakuru, Baringo, Kericho, Laikipia, Elgeyo Marakwet, West Pokot and Turkana.


The core problem that we seek to address in society is the low capacity of the marginalised and vulnerable groups to engage with and participate in the decision-making processes.- Paul Masese, Executive Director, CEDGG

Our Partners

Centre for Enhancing Democracy and Good Governance (CEDGG) is a non-political advocacy civil society organisation that works to empower vulnerable and marginalized citizens to claim their rights in local development and governance processes.

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