UPDATES: 16 Days of Activism kicks off United Against FGM United Against Gender-based Violence

Center for Enhancing Democracy & Good Governance (CEDGG)

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 / October 17,2022
‘Accessing justice is a complex and cumbersome process, these are sentiments echoed by most people with legal concerns seeking to get legal assistance. Centre for Enhancing Democracy and Good Governance (CEDGG) through our program aims at promoting access to justice through provision of effective legal aid in Nakuru County under…
Launch of modern handwashing facility at Mercy Njeri Primary School

Launch of modern hand-washing facility at Mercy Njeri primary school.

 / October 16,2021
The facility is one of the many facilities constructed in schools through the partnerships behind the Wash First Program (The County Government of Nakuru, Centre for Enhancing Democracy and Good Governance-CEDGG and the Netherlands through the SNV program). [gdlr_core_space height=”30px”] Song and dance filled the air on Friday 16th october,2021…

Sanitary dignity for girls

 / October 16,2021
Support My Dream campaign CEDDG stepped in for vulnerable girls in informal areas who cannot affords sanitary pads during the COVID-19 pandemic. The project, supported by Trocaire with a component on menstrual hygiene, has seen school-going girls in informal settlements of Nakuru County receive menstrual hygiene products to enhance girls’…

Centre for Enhancing Democracy and Good Governance (CEDGG) is a non-political advocacy civil society organisation that works to empower vulnerable and marginalized citizens to claim their rights in local development and governance processes.

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